Here are the details as far as I know on how to duplicate the 25 micron deviation per 1mm/sec increase in speed. If you see anything that I'm missing then please let me know. You will need to have a computer with the perceptron toolkit installed. I'm assuming that you already have done this. If not then you will need to install them from the Perceptron toolkit CD or we may provide them via our server. Troy, did already take care of this? You will need to license the computer for the toolkit once it is installed. Antonella has done this in the past. You need to run Perceptron's licensing software provided with the perceptron installation. It allows you to unlock the libraries. When you run it you will need to provide us with two codes, and we will provide the keys to unlock the license. The installation and registration procedure is provided in the documentation with the toolkit. Currently it is necessary that you install the toolkit in the root directory of the c:\ drive. That means all of perceptrons data will be in the c:\perceptron directory. If it's not installed in this directory PC-DMIS will not be able to use the Perceptron hardware. Sorry about that. V36 of PC-DMIS needs to be installed, and then you will need to replace the following files with the ones provided in on the ftp site (in the V36NCSensor directory): Caddllu.dll Graph3u.dll PCDLRN.exe You will also need to put these files in the same directory as the PC-DMIS executable (pcdlrn.exe): NCSensors.dll Contour.dll usrprobe.dat leitz.dll You must rename or copy leitz.dll to interfac.dll. Then you need to register the Contour.dll by typing the following at a command prompt: regsvr32 contour.dll Off course you need to type it from the same directory where contour.dll is located. Now you should be ready to run PC-DMIS and use the sensor. The first step once PC-DMIS is started is to define a probe. We have defined a sample one in TROYPerc.prb. You can use that as a sample or you may directly use it if you have the PH10 (not PH10MQ). Once you define the probe you'll need to calibrate the Tip. In order to see the problem with the timing it's not necessary to locate the sphere with a touch trigger probe, but you may want to do it anyway. If you want to locate it with the Perceptron sensor then you may do so by answering yes when asked if the calibration sphere has moved. Otherwise answer yes. To calibrate the tip (A0B0) you need to open the probe dialog (F9 on the LOADPROBE command) and then click on the measure button. In the tip calibration dialog, the only two important controls are the move speed and the qualification tool drop down (on the bottom of the dialog). All other items are unused at this time. Before the machine moves through the calibration positions and takes stripes on the calibration sphere you need to center the sphere in the field of view of the sensor (Keystone). This is done by using a live view available on the last page of the probe toolbox. When you start live view it will take about 3-4 stripes per second, and show where the stripe hits in live view. Before you start the calibration live view should be started, and the machine arm should be moved such that the center of the sphere is in the center of the keystone of the laser sensor. There is a crosshair in the center of the keystone. Make sure the center of the sphere is approximately at the center of the keystone in live view. Once centered, live view must be stopped. Then you can hit the measure button. PC-DMIS will ask if the sphere has moved. You should answer no if you want to locate the sphere with the laser, otherwise answer yes. PC-DMIS will then ask you to center the sphere in the center of the keystone. You have already done this so you can just hit ok and continue. PC-DMIS will then move through the calibration positions and calibrate the sensor. Now you are ready to measure the sphere. To do this you'll want to create an auto sphere command. Use the menu option Insert | Feature | Auto | Sphere. In that dialog put in the location of the calibration sphere. The location of the sphere is the same as the qualification sphere, since that is what you should be measuring. Then hit the create button. You should put a SCANSPEED command above the auto sphere, and make sure that absolute speeds are displayed. You can do that from the Part/Machine tab on the setup options dialog. One important note is that you should create the file c:\VelConst.txt with one line in it. The one line should just have 0.0 on it. We created this so that we could try adding a velocity compensation to the scanning. At a value of 0 there will be no velocity compensation. The command for the auto-sphere will have the a number of parameters. Please make sure that you have either the long line filter or no filter with it's default values. Leave the clipping region at the default which is the maximum. Leave the CG or (Pixel locator) at it's default value. Now you can run the part program and see the location of the sphere when it is scanned. You should probably run it several times at the same speed to get a feel for the variation in the data. We did a lot of our tests at 4-5 mm/sec, and many others as well. Once you have a feel for the variation you can change the speed and see how the location changes with speed. I hope this is enough to do some testing. If there are problems you may contact me, and I will try to step you through any problems. Thanks, Andy